Welcome to John Calvin Presbyterian Church
A small church with a BIG heart!
Click on the Mission Statement link on the top line to see what we are all about.
A small church with a BIG heart!
Click on the Mission Statement link on the top line to see what we are all about.
Click on the link below and you will be able to join our service via a Zoom meeting.
The service starts at 10:00 am but please join the meeting at about 9:55. The service lasts about 50 minutes.
If the weather is bad or there is another emergency, Pastor Carson, Music Directory Shaya and Clerk of Session Ellen will talk and make the decision to close.
Then deacons will call their shepherding list to notify members. Pastor will also send an email blast and this website will be updated.
The decision will be made as early as possible but please use your own discretion.